4 Ways to Improve Queue Management of Your Retail Store
4 Ways to Improve Queue Management of Your Retail Store Who likes to wait in long queues? Probably no one, and then with all the new sanitizing and other rules, it’s quite hard to even stand there. Why are we talking about it? Let’s see! During the Coronavirus outbreak, eCommerce has exploded, with many people opting to shop from the safety and comfort of their own homes. As a result of the forced quarantine and lockdowns, consumer behavior has shifted. Physical stores must deal with the new normal of temperature checks, sanitizers, contact tracking, and social distancing queues in order to keep at least 3-6 feet between any two persons in the store. Despite this, buyers are still hesitant to enter a business to shop because social separation is still a factor that can be readily broken by going outside. As a result of a loss of revenue and/or an inability to maintain safe management practices, several restaurants, and retail businesses have closed. So, many re...